21 February, 2005 - Silly RSS Feed
18 February, 2005 - I spoke too soon.
21 May, 2004 - end
10 May, 2004 - So long and thanks for all the fish.
09 May, 2004 - Infinity
07 May, 2004 - Nightmare on Hyatt Pl
06 May, 2004 - prison torture begins at home
05 May, 2004 - mk12 rocks
05 May, 2004 - discourse
05 May, 2004 - is there a term for virtual^2 star fucking?
05 May, 2004 - Dodge this
05 May, 2004 - Drunk with the power of the Other
03 May, 2004 - PIE
02 May, 2004 - brilliant
02 May, 2004 - punchbuggy
01 May, 2004 - The Dell Link, or partisanship for the Hell of it
01 May, 2004 - more on google's IPO
01 May, 2004 - war record magna-cum-bullshit
30 April, 2004 - Christ
30 April, 2004 - Good Morning Friday
29 April, 2004 - on the Duke's birthday
29 April, 2004 - quack
27 April, 2004 - Yes
23 April, 2004 - more amusement
23 April, 2004 - from the easily amused department
23 April, 2004 - Sweet Home Canadia
22 April, 2004 - schizer
21 April, 2004 - this week
20 April, 2004 - metroeunuch
19 April, 2004 - more to love
16 April, 2004 - May22
11 April, 2004 - Cargo Cult Programming and Theology
10 April, 2004 - more to love
09 April, 2004 - ummm
09 April, 2004 - Oh Pennsylvania...
08 April, 2004 - The PDB Follies
08 April, 2004 - FYI
07 April, 2004 - popper on blogging
07 April, 2004 - End of an Era
03 April, 2004 - organizations exist to perpetuate themselves
03 April, 2004 - Dune
02 April, 2004 - more from yesterday
02 April, 2004 - religion genocide racism and beyond
01 April, 2004 - Lots of Meat Last Night
31 March, 2004 - -
28 March, 2004 - apologies to Nietzsche
24 March, 2004 - funny
24 March, 2004 - LOTR, condensed
24 March, 2004 - Idiocy
18 March, 2004 - more arghus
17 March, 2004 - huzzah
15 March, 2004 - more
15 March, 2004 - Domo arigato
14 March, 2004 - technosexual?
12 March, 2004 - The Sun Don't Shine in Mudville
11 March, 2004 - nuttin
08 March, 2004 - old ideas
03 March, 2004 - talkie walkie
02 March, 2004 - Needing more
28 February, 2004 - spring cleaning
28 February, 2004 - ooh
28 February, 2004 - Heresies and Paeans to Subtlety
27 February, 2004 - milk
24 February, 2004 - Metroid: Zero Mission Rocks
21 February, 2004 - ummm
17 February, 2004 - Cognitive Dissonance in the American Managerie
15 February, 2004 - I've got 99 problems...
10 February, 2004 - Non-NGO Fundraising
04 February, 2004 - Don't put off till tomorrow what you put on to go to bed.
31 January, 2004 - Into The West
29 January, 2004 - boom
28 January, 2004 - This Salsa is made in New York City
27 January, 2004 - this is your brain
27 January, 2004 - mowing the grassy knoll
25 January, 2004 - ramble in the bronx
23 January, 2004 - linuxworld expo update
22 January, 2004 - road trip, or fleeing the pea coat mafia
22 January, 2004 - Happy Birthday
21 January, 2004 - Unauthorized Wisdom
20 January, 2004 - lip smacking good
20 January, 2004 - Arthur C Clarke Homage
20 January, 2004 - The Phone Says Moo
16 January, 2004 - Mommy, where do teletubbies come from?
13 January, 2004 - The Clowns Came from Outer Space
11 January, 2004 - Walmart and the Rise of Socialist Realism in 21st Century America
10 January, 2004 - bum lolloping
08 January, 2004 - The US enters negotiations with the IMF
06 January, 2004 - Damn you diet coke girls.
05 January, 2004 - same stories, different facets
05 January, 2004 - This Modern Circus
02 January, 2004 - falling in and out
01 January, 2004 - There & Back Again
30 December, 2003 - Unfinished Tales
27 December, 2003 - Blame Canada!
26 December, 2003 - Slip-n-Slide put me on tha list
25 December, 2003 - sappiness
25 December, 2003 - Set your Metaphors to Stun
24 December, 2003 - Will you be my Mary Matalin?
20 December, 2003 - Freylach Time
18 December, 2003 - money quotes
17 December, 2003 - many stories
15 December, 2003 - dork
15 December, 2003 - you write like a girl
14 December, 2003 - weekend roundup
14 December, 2003 - I do say, old chap.
07 December, 2003 - another saturday night
06 December, 2003 - brrrr.
04 December, 2003 - movement
03 December, 2003 - meme on
28 November, 2003 - Tryptophantasmagoria
26 November, 2003 - Hellooooo T-mobile
24 November, 2003 - number portability
24 November, 2003 - music
23 November, 2003 - Lift me up, darling
20 November, 2003 - thursday
19 November, 2003 - notes
19 November, 2003 - nifty things
17 November, 2003 - Wherefore art thou, Susannah Breslin?
15 November, 2003 - hellenic word choice
13 November, 2003 - I can hear the heart beating
12 November, 2003 - qua qua qua
10 November, 2003 - happiness
07 November, 2003 - the satmandu razor
06 November, 2003 - themed tidbits
05 November, 2003 - gremlins
05 November, 2003 - Expiration Dating?
23 October, 2003 - Cobra Strikes Again
23 October, 2003 - pain
22 October, 2003 - c'ngr'ts
22 October, 2003 - The English Motorway System
18 October, 2003 - whoa
17 October, 2003 - simalacrums for breakfast
16 October, 2003 - I should be sleeping, but...
14 October, 2003 - the reindeer section
11 October, 2003 - blog update
10 October, 2003 - when I come home, if I come home
09 October, 2003 - Ahhnold
08 October, 2003 - wow
08 October, 2003 - Why won't you love me?
03 October, 2003 - a state's not a state when
30 September, 2003 - studying
29 September, 2003 - high school math
28 September, 2003 - The ICC retirement community & other tales
25 September, 2003 - comix
20 September, 2003 - Tidbits
07 September, 2003 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
02 September, 2003 - NYC Baby
24 August, 2003 - now then
10 August, 2003 - once an alto
09 August, 2003 - transition
08 August, 2003 - seth
02 August, 2003 - huh
25 July, 2003 - silly boy
24 July, 2003 - hndredriversupdate.com
14 July, 2003 - mm
05 July, 2003 - canadia 2
04 July, 2003 - canadiaprep or snootchie bootchies
04 July, 2003 - ick
01 July, 2003 - take a bow
25 June, 2003 - progress
22 June, 2003 - credits
20 June, 2003 - sigh
11 June, 2003 - Fucking Crazy
10 June, 2003 - unintentional strobe
09 June, 2003 - I'm a sucker for these quizzes
03 June, 2003 - multichannel sensory cueing
30 May, 2003 - snuggles
26 May, 2003 - It sounds like summer, or the year of the rocket
25 May, 2003 - whthefck
24 May, 2003 - Finally
19 May, 2003 - did you know him
19 May, 2003 - Not too hip to not rant Too
17 May, 2003 - Summer of Goodbyes
12 May, 2003 - Bits
06 May, 2003 - vignette
02 May, 2003 - saturday is for priming
01 May, 2003 - transitions
20 April, 2003 - Damn Fine Coffee
10 April, 2003 - Quantum Beauty
05 April, 2003 - Some things the French Do understand
03 April, 2003 - un momento por favor
18 March, 2003 - Save the Iraqi Children - Bomb Saddam
16 March, 2003 - observations
14 March, 2003 - obdurate
13 March, 2003 - The MEs
11 March, 2003 - hah
10 March, 2003 - beauty
10 March, 2003 - get your war on
08 March, 2003 - Moral Flim Flam
08 March, 2003 - High Praise & the Punt
08 March, 2003 - moral clarity
02 March, 2003 - It's about time for Peace in the Middle East
28 February, 2003 - Тату - Hotel Yorba - Googies
23 February, 2003 - NYC: Episode 4
22 February, 2003 - spring break planning
18 February, 2003 - there's something I admire about taking the bottle, and pointing instead of spinning
13 February, 2003 - Enough said.
05 February, 2003 - snippet of Columbia commentary, or from Challenger?
04 February, 2003 - html & bitching
2003-02-02 - sinister telemetry/ ashes ashes our gods fall down
2003-01-20 - movies
2003-01-13 - plans
2003-01-11 - miasma
2003-01-11 - getting lost in candy land
2003-01-02 - Omens of Self Doubt
2002-12-30 - mmm
2002-12-15 - my archives aren't showing up properly
2002-12-15 - another December Graduation
2002-12-15 - metalinking
2002-12-07 - Innocence without Naivete
2002-12-06 - one line movie reviews
2002-12-04 - hal hartley in hour shower of power meditations
2002-12-01 - how does it feel to be clever?
2002-12-01 - post meta
2002-11-21 - things that make you go boom
2002-11-17 - LOTR, sniffles, Chanel Shoes, and the stars
2002-11-12 - I may come this way but once, but rest assured that I will yell at you from afar - or an Ode to Maude.
2002-11-08 - Friday afternoon means go home.
2002-11-05 - Votified
2002-11-05 - Previously in sum; binary.